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If indeed Zeus had compelled us, Where then are you on this pale blue dot? For the days are turning into years, And we are not world enough and time. Just the other day I met Yue Lao, Where is my red thread I questioned. Perhaps it is broken, For I no longer feel my ankle pulled tight. Will Venus… Read More »Soulmate


Crossroads by Mario Egie on 16th Feb 2020 Oh well, how, how do I start. I thought I just finished…. Oh maybe not. I wasn’t, I was somewhere, somewhere, yes somewhere. You see, you see… I was somewhere, A cross road, submerged in my own realities. An empty space. An empty room, a feeble mind, a blank slate, Oh well,… Read More »Crossroads


Morrow – Mario Egie In life’s frantic race, We pace for a climax. In morrow’s hands’ rides a wheel of fortune. Against the clock, the show must go on. In high hopes, With folded sleeves, Hands on deck, It’s time to take the bull by the horn. All that morrow harbors, We set our hearts on. Life’s sweet pleasures and… Read More »Morrow